No 38 in the Drum
Dec 20th, 2018

If there is one major thing I’ve learnt in my 16 years of business it's that you should never rest on your laurels. It’s tough out there and 'you are only as good as your last job' as I was once wisely informed.
One minute you're up, the next you're down... then hopefully back up again! I suppose it's what keeps us all going, pushing and wanting each project to be better than the last.
So the last 12 months of our Wash mission has been a real test of character for all of us. A new building to adjust to. A new business to get off the ground with The Artistry House. New clients to work with and new experiences in the projects we've worked on. We’ve all had to dig really deep and be resilient in negotiating these changes, whilst keeping everything moving and everyone happy. Challenging, but all very positive.
And we've had some real morale boosters along the way, and it also helps when you enter awards and actually win them! (Best TV Commercial - Northern Awards) A wonderful lift and well deserved in our opinion – not to mention being placed number 38 in The Drum Top 100 Independent Agencies – a wonderful achievement too.
But all this for us is simply part of our journey. It’s just us getting on, getting on. It’s no Happy Ever After that's for sure. Enjoy the moment while it lasts, savour it for a wee while, then heads down and ready for the next leg.
But to be fair, how do you follow such a good year? To be honest, I’m expecting next year to be a little bumpy and not just for us, but for many. After all, we are in very uncertain times right now. We are entering into politically uncharted waters whilst Great Britain goes and finds itself again - whatever the outcome of the dreaded Brexit. So all 'we' can do is ride this potential storm and keep doing what we do best. So bring it on 2019, we're ready for you.